FMIPA UI Community Service Grant

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The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Indonesia (FMIPA UI) Grant Program 2023 is a grant program and administration organized by FMIPA UI with funding sources derived from the FMIPA UI Activity Budget Plan (RKA) for the 2023 Fiscal Year. Grant management and monitoring activities are carried out by the Research and Community Service Division (PPM) of FMIPA UI. The 2023 Community Service Grant Program is intended as a real manifestation of FMIPA UI's contribution to contributing to the development of the quality of life of the people in Indonesia. The expected output of this grant activity is in the form of popular news published in online media and/or IPR products.

Topic Focus

The theme of the 2023 FMIPA UI community service grant is focused on all forms of scientific application activities that are the expertise of the proposing team, and are applied to the community environment in accordance with the analysis of partner needs and structured problem solving.

Important Dates


Contact Person

Email :
Tel: 0813-1899-3967 (Mrs. Aprilia)