International Student Mobility (ISM)

Student Affairs > International Student Mobility (ISM)

Indonesian Student Mobility (ISM) FMIPA-UI 2023
Expanding Students' Horizons Through International Experiences in Taiwan

Jakarta, October 10, 2023 – Students of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Indonesia (FMIPA-UI) have participated in the 2023 Indonesian Student Mobility (ISM) program. The event took place in Taiwan from 1-7 October 2023 with the aim of providing students with valuable experience in terms of international exposure and deepening their understanding of education and culture in Taiwan.

This year's ISM was attended by eleven students from six departments (Mathematics, Biology, Physics, Geoscience, Chemistry, and Geography) at FMIPA-UI. The 11 delegates were selected through a strict selection based on interviews and file selection. They participated in the 2023 ISM activities together with a mentoring team consisting of Prof. Dr. rer. nat. (Vice Dean I of FMIPA-UI), Dr. Dewi Susiloningtyas, M.Sc. (Student Affairs Manager of FMIPA-UI), Twin Hosea W. Kristyanto. M.T. (Assistant Lecturer), and Bintang Mahakarya Semahen, S.Sc. (Student Affairs Division of FMIPA-UI).

This year's ISM program is designed to provide FMIPA-UI students with broad insights into college life in Taiwan, university entrance procedures in Taiwan, scholarship availability, Taiwanese culture, as well as the challenges and tips for studying and living in Taiwan.

The following is a series of activities for ISM FMIPA-UI 2023:

No Agenda Keterangan Gambar
Awal Kegiatan
1 Pelepasan peserta ISM FMIPA Ui 2023 : Chapter Taiwan Acara dimulai dengan keberangkatan melalui Terminal 3 Bandara Soekarno-Hatta. Mahasiswa dan tim pendamping dilepas oleh Dekan FMIPA-UI, Prof. Dede Djuhana, Ph.D.
2 Oktober 2023
1 Kunjungan ke Yuan Ze University Mahasiswa menghadiri kuliah umum, perkenalan kondisi kampus YZU, dan melakukan kunjungan ke laboratorium.
2 Pengabdian Masyarakat: Mitigasi Bencana Gempa Bumi Mahasiswa memberikan pengabdian masyarakat berupa penyuluhan kepada Perhimpunan Pelajar Indonesia (PPI) Taiwan dan PPI YZU tentang mitigasi bencana gempa bumi dengan menggunakan metode CREDO-E (Creative Hazard Education seri Gempabumi inovasi dari Twin Hosea).
3 Oktober 2023
1 Kunjungan ke National Taiwan University Mahasiswa mengunjungi Departemen Fisika dan College of Life Science di NTU, serta melihat koleksi di Museum Zoologi dan Museum Sejarah NTU.
2 Pengabdian Masyarakat kepada Perhimpunan Mahasiswa Indonesia di Taiwan (Perpita) Mahasiswa memberikan pengabdian kepada Perpita dengan topik literasi keuangan, melibatkan permainan roleplay tentang investasi asuransi.
4 Oktober 2023
1 Kunjungan ke Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall Mahasiswa mengunjungi Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall untuk memahami sejarah dan budaya Taiwan.
2 Kunjungan ke National Palace Museum Mahasiswa mengunjungi National Palace Museum untuk memahami sejarah dan budaya Taiwan.
5 Oktober 2023
1 Kunjungan ke Kantor Dagang dan Ekonomi Indonesia di Taiwan Mahasiswa berkunjung ke KDEI untuk silaturahmi dan memahami tugas serta fungsi perwakilan pemerintah Indonesia di Taiwan.
6 Oktober 2023
1 Kunjungan ke Yehliu Geopark Pada hari terakhir, mahasiswa menjelajahi kekayaan geologi di utara Taiwan, termasuk Yehliu Geopark, Jiufen, dan Shifen, yang terkenal dengan formasi geologi uniknya.
2 Kunjungan ke Golden Waterfall Pada hari terakhir, mahasiswa menjelajahi kekayaan geologi di utara Taiwan, termasuk Yehliu Geopark, Jiufen, dan Shifen, yang terkenal dengan formasi geologi uniknya.

After seven days filled with in-depth and diverse activities, FMIPA-UI students returned on October 7 with valuable experiences, strong friendships, expanded knowledge, and formed characters. ISM FMIPA-UI 2023 has succeeded in providing good international insight to students and helping them to become individuals who are expected to be globally competitive.

Hello, Participants of the 2023 FMIPA UI International Student Mobility!

We congratulate the selected participants for the 2023 ISM FMIPA UI activities. We also thank all participants for their participation during this series, stay enthusiastic and see you on another occasion to contribute to FMIPA UI.

The following are the names of students selected for this activity.

No Nama NPM Departemen
1 Adawia Ananda 2106724883 Matematika
2 Aqilah Fresaria Nur Azizah 2106637145 Kimia
3 Davendra Shayna Hassan 2006470804 Fisika
4 Dylan Arlen Tunggatama 2006571261 Matematika
5 Etang Lintang Hinanjalu 2006486834 Geografi
6 Gladwin Gunawan 2106725192 Matematika
7 Muhammad Abrar Rizqullah 2006483851 Geografi
8 Naufal Ammar Motota 2006573355 Geosains
9 Nurrahma Sabila Wikana Putri 2006486191 Geografi
10 Rafasyah Syafira Darsono 2006469752 Biologi
11 Sylviana Mulia 2006523634 Geosains

In the future, selected participants are expected to contact Miftah (+62 819-4463-1923) to get the latest information.

Congratulations to the participants who have passed the file selection for the 2023 FMIPA UI International Student Mobility activity!

It is expected that participants who pass the file selection will continue the selection process to the next stage, namely the interview selection which will be held on:

Day, Date: Thursday-Friday, August 24-25, 2023
Place: Multidisciplinary Building, FMIPA UI (offline)
Contact: +62 819-4463-1923 (Miftah)

Participants are required to bring a medical certificate and a motivational essay in English during the interview. The interview time is set as follows.

International Student Mobility 2023 : Chapter Taiwan

An opportunity has been opened for you, FMIPA UI students, who want to have direct experience of overseas activities through the FMIPA UI 2023 International Student Mobility program: Taiwan Chapter.

This program will take place on October 1-7, 2023 with the following registration and selection schedule.
Registration: 11 – 20 August 2023
File Selection: 21 – 22 August 2023
File Selection Announcement: August 23, 2023
Interview Selection: 24 – 26 August 2023
Final Announcement: August 31, 2023

Registration is done at the following link

Series of Activities

Indonesian Student Mobility (ISM) FMIPA-UI 2023
Expanding Students' Horizons Through International Experiences in Taiwan

Jakarta, October 10, 2023 – Students of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Indonesia (FMIPA-UI) have participated in the 2023 Indonesian Student Mobility (ISM) program. The event took place in Taiwan from 1-7 October 2023 with the aim of providing students with valuable experience in terms of international exposure and deepening their understanding of education and culture in Taiwan.

This year's ISM was attended by eleven students from six departments (Mathematics, Biology, Physics, Geoscience, Chemistry, and Geography) at FMIPA-UI. The 11 delegates were selected through a strict selection based on interviews and file selection. They participated in the 2023 ISM activities together with a mentoring team consisting of Prof. Dr. rer. nat. (Vice Dean I of FMIPA-UI), Dr. Dewi Susiloningtyas, M.Sc. (Student Affairs Manager of FMIPA-UI), Twin Hosea W. Kristyanto. M.T. (Assistant Lecturer), and Bintang Mahakarya Semahen, S.Sc. (Student Affairs Division of FMIPA-UI).

This year's ISM program is designed to provide FMIPA-UI students with broad insights into college life in Taiwan, university entrance procedures in Taiwan, scholarship availability, Taiwanese culture, as well as the challenges and tips for studying and living in Taiwan.

The following is a series of activities for ISM FMIPA-UI 2023:

No Agenda Keterangan Gambar
Awal Kegiatan
1 Pelepasan peserta ISM FMIPA Ui 2023 : Chapter Taiwan Acara dimulai dengan keberangkatan melalui Terminal 3 Bandara Soekarno-Hatta. Mahasiswa dan tim pendamping dilepas oleh Dekan FMIPA-UI, Prof. Dede Djuhana, Ph.D.
2 Oktober 2023
1 Kunjungan ke Yuan Ze University Mahasiswa menghadiri kuliah umum, perkenalan kondisi kampus YZU, dan melakukan kunjungan ke laboratorium.
2 Pengabdian Masyarakat: Mitigasi Bencana Gempa Bumi Mahasiswa memberikan pengabdian masyarakat berupa penyuluhan kepada Perhimpunan Pelajar Indonesia (PPI) Taiwan dan PPI YZU tentang mitigasi bencana gempa bumi dengan menggunakan metode CREDO-E (Creative Hazard Education seri Gempabumi inovasi dari Twin Hosea).
3 Oktober 2023
1 Kunjungan ke National Taiwan University Mahasiswa mengunjungi Departemen Fisika dan College of Life Science di NTU, serta melihat koleksi di Museum Zoologi dan Museum Sejarah NTU.
2 Pengabdian Masyarakat kepada Perhimpunan Mahasiswa Indonesia di Taiwan (Perpita) Mahasiswa memberikan pengabdian kepada Perpita dengan topik literasi keuangan, melibatkan permainan roleplay tentang investasi asuransi.
4 Oktober 2023
1 Kunjungan ke Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall Mahasiswa mengunjungi Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall untuk memahami sejarah dan budaya Taiwan.
2 Kunjungan ke National Palace Museum Mahasiswa mengunjungi National Palace Museum untuk memahami sejarah dan budaya Taiwan.
5 Oktober 2023
1 Kunjungan ke Kantor Dagang dan Ekonomi Indonesia di Taiwan Mahasiswa berkunjung ke KDEI untuk silaturahmi dan memahami tugas serta fungsi perwakilan pemerintah Indonesia di Taiwan.
6 Oktober 2023
1 Kunjungan ke Yehliu Geopark Pada hari terakhir, mahasiswa menjelajahi kekayaan geologi di utara Taiwan, termasuk Yehliu Geopark, Jiufen, dan Shifen, yang terkenal dengan formasi geologi uniknya.
2 Kunjungan ke Golden Waterfall Pada hari terakhir, mahasiswa menjelajahi kekayaan geologi di utara Taiwan, termasuk Yehliu Geopark, Jiufen, dan Shifen, yang terkenal dengan formasi geologi uniknya.

After seven days filled with in-depth and diverse activities, FMIPA-UI students returned on October 7 with valuable experiences, strong friendships, expanded knowledge, and formed characters. ISM FMIPA-UI 2023 has succeeded in providing good international insight to students and helping them to become individuals who are expected to be globally competitive.

Announcement of Selected Participants

Hello, Participants of the 2023 FMIPA UI International Student Mobility!

We congratulate the selected participants for the 2023 ISM FMIPA UI activities. We also thank all participants for their participation during this series, stay enthusiastic and see you on another occasion to contribute to FMIPA UI.

The following are the names of students selected for this activity.

No Nama NPM Departemen
1 Adawia Ananda 2106724883 Matematika
2 Aqilah Fresaria Nur Azizah 2106637145 Kimia
3 Davendra Shayna Hassan 2006470804 Fisika
4 Dylan Arlen Tunggatama 2006571261 Matematika
5 Etang Lintang Hinanjalu 2006486834 Geografi
6 Gladwin Gunawan 2106725192 Matematika
7 Muhammad Abrar Rizqullah 2006483851 Geografi
8 Naufal Ammar Motota 2006573355 Geosains
9 Nurrahma Sabila Wikana Putri 2006486191 Geografi
10 Rafasyah Syafira Darsono 2006469752 Biologi
11 Sylviana Mulia 2006523634 Geosains

In the future, selected participants are expected to contact Miftah (+62 819-4463-1923) to get the latest information.

Announcement of File Selection

Congratulations to the participants who have passed the file selection for the 2023 FMIPA UI International Student Mobility activity!

It is expected that participants who pass the file selection will continue the selection process to the next stage, namely the interview selection which will be held on:

Day, Date: Thursday-Friday, August 24-25, 2023
Place: Multidisciplinary Building, FMIPA UI (offline)
Contact: +62 819-4463-1923 (Miftah)

Participants are required to bring a medical certificate and a motivational essay in English during the interview. The interview time is set as follows.

Selection Information

International Student Mobility 2023 : Chapter Taiwan

An opportunity has been opened for you, FMIPA UI students, who want to have direct experience of overseas activities through the FMIPA UI 2023 International Student Mobility program: Taiwan Chapter.

This program will take place on October 1-7, 2023 with the following registration and selection schedule.
Registration: 11 – 20 August 2023
File Selection: 21 – 22 August 2023
File Selection Announcement: August 23, 2023
Interview Selection: 24 – 26 August 2023
Final Announcement: August 31, 2023

Registration is done at the following link