Policy and Strategy

Penelitian & Pengmas > Penelitian > Kebijakan dan Strategi

The Research and Community Service Division of FMIPA UI plays a major role in managing research and community service activities carried out by lecturers at FMIPA UI. These management activities include dissemination of external grants (from university level, ministries, or other sources), provision of internal grants of FMIPA UI, monitoring the progress of the research process, to monitoring research output.

The research and innovation roadmap at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences refers to the research and innovation roadmap of the University of Indonesia which can be seen in the following image.

Figure 1. UI research roadmap until 2031.

This University of Indonesia research roadmap is based on the Research guidebook released by the Directorate of Research and Development, University of Indonesia (https://ui.ac.id/road-map-riset-drp/). This shows that FMIPA UI must provide support for the achievement of UI becoming an agent of economic growth in Indonesia through superior research topics at FMIPA UI.

Determination of priority areas for research direction before 2020 at the University of Indonesia level is based on various sources, such as the National Research Council, Directorate General of Higher Education, DRPM analysis and input from experts and UI leaders. Ten research focuses at the University of Indonesia before 2020 were formulated in the UI Research Master Plan Book for 2012, including (1) Government, Democracy, and Policy Studies, (2) Indigenous Studies, (3) Nano and Advanced Technology, (4) Genome, (5) ICT, (6) Culture, (7) Energy, (8) Urban Studies and Transportation, (9) Poverty Alleviation, Child Family and Community, (10) Restoring The Earth's Natural Support System. In order to align research and innovation, UI's research focus themes were revised using a new perspective, namely continuity between basic research and its application and development to solve national and world problems. Based on this, based on the Chancellor's Decree No. 1738/SK/R/UI/2020, the research focus of the University of Indonesia has been streamlined into 5 research focuses, namely (1) Health and welfare, (2) energy and material resources, (3) innovative and connected society, (4) earth, climate, and environment and (5) resilience and security. The journey of direction and focus of research at the University of Indonesia can be seen in Figure 2 below.

Figure 2. Journey of changing research focus at the University of Indonesia

Policy and Strategy

FMIPA UI as a center for the development of basic sciences and their applications covering the fields of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography and Geoscience has great potential in contributing to the five types of UI research focus activities. The connectivity of the leading research fields in FMIPA UI that support the research focus at UI can be seen in Figure 3 below.

Figure 3. The relationship between leading research areas in FMIPA and UI's research focus.

To support the achievement of a good research atmosphere and improve the quality of competitive research in the FMIPA environment, FMIPA UI has carried out several strategies, including:

  1. Increasing research output in reputable international journals (https://sci.ui.ac.id/publikasi-penelitian/)
  2. Providing internal research grants with assignment schemes for novice lecturers to initiate research themes to be developed. (https://sci.ui.ac.id/hibah-riset-fmipa-ui/ )
  3. Enhancing innovative research works ( https://sci.ui.ac.id/haki-dan-inovasi/ )
  4. Carrying out IPR protection for research results and innovative works ( https://sci.ui.ac.id/haki-dan-inovasi/ )
  5. Membangun efisiensi riset melalui konsep resource sharing semua sarana dan prasarana riset. ( https://sci.ui.ac.id/laboratorium-penelitian/ )
  6. Facilitating efforts to obtain grants at various levels of competition through proposal writing assistance activities.

PDF Attachment SK:

No Judul Dokumen File
1 UU No 11 RI Tahun 2019 tentang Sistem Nasional Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi Download File
2 Peraturan Menteri Riset, Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi No 38 tahun 2019 tentang Prioritas Riset Nasional Tahun 2020-2024 Download File
3 Rencana Induk Nasional Tahun 2017-2045 Download File
4 SK 1738 tentang Penetapan Fokus Riset dan Inovasi UI Tahun 2020 sampai dengan 2024 Download File
5 Rencana Strategis UI 2020-2024 Download File
6 SK 011 Majelis Wali Amanat terkait Arah Pengembangan Universitas Indonesia Download File
7 Roadmap Riset dan Inovasi Tahun 2020-2024 Download File
8 SK 426 Kebijakan Pengembangan Riset bagi Setiap Anggota Sivitas Akademika FMIPA UI Download File