Policy and Strategy for Community Service in FMIPA UI 2020-2024
Penelitian & Pengmas > Pengmas > Kebijakan dan Strategi
Strategic policies related to research and community service at FMIPA UI are designed in line with the Research and Community Service Roadmap at the University of Indonesia level.
Every lecturer at FMIPA UI is required to carry out the tridharma of education activities, one of which is how a lecturer can devote his knowledge to the community directly. This can be accommodated through community service activities. Through community service activities, lecturers at FMIPA UI are expected to be able to provide real contributions in the downstreaming of research both at the local and global levels.
Based on the 2020-2024 community service and empowerment roadmap guidebook released by the Directorate of Community Service and Empowerment (PPM) of the University of Indonesia (https://ui.ac.id/road-map-ppm/ ), UI's development policy through community service activities is detailed in three policies, namely:
- Community service as a research-based or expertise-based activity.
- Community service activities are carried out by the PPM Directorate in collaboration with various directorates at UI to optimize UI's potential to benefit the community.
- UI research branding to the industrial world needs to be improved to encourage an increase in the number of collaborations with industry.
The focus of the community service targeted by the University of Indonesia automatically also becomes the focus that must be targeted by all forms of community service implemented at FMIPA UI. The focus of community service includes:
- Health and Wellbeing
- Energy and material resources
- Innovative and connected society
- Earth, climate and environment
- Resilience and Security
To support the focus of the community service targets above, FMIPA UI through Dean's Decree Number 31 of 2020 (https://sci.ui.ac.id/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/SK-31-Penetapan-Arah-Kebijakan-Pengabdian-pada-Masyarakat-FMIPA-UI.pdf) focuses the form of community service activities in FMIPA UI on the direction of utilizing science and technology for the community and environmental quality recovery and improvement activities through various activities that support the achievement of UI's service focus. Schematically, the policy at FMIPA UI related to community service activities is seen in the image below:
To facilitate various community service activities carried out by lecturers at FMIPA, various policies are implemented by FMIPA UI, including:
- Facilitate and coordinate the number of community service proposals proposed both at the UI and national levels.
- Facilitate and coordinate community service activities in collaboration with industry, government, or certain community groups.
- Releasing community service grants for the semi-assignment scheme of FMIPA UI
- Facilitate the proposal of community service products in the form of IPR or simple patents.
Basic policy download link:
- Community Service and Empowerment Roadmap Guidebook 2020-2024 University of Indonesia by the PPM UI Directorate. (https://ui.ac.id/road-map-ppm/ )
- Dean's Decree regarding Community Service of FMIPA UI Number 31 of 2020 (SK-31-Penetapan-Arah-Kebijakan-Pengabdian-pada-Masyarakat-FMIPA-UI.pdf)
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