Quality Assurance

Beranda > Penjamin Mutu

The Academic Quality Assurance Unit functions as an academic quality guarantor in the Faculty, tasked with assisting the Faculty Leader.

Duties of the Academic Quality Assurance Unit:

  1. As a guarantor of academic quality in the Faculty, whose duty is to assist the Faculty Leader;
  2. Monitor and evaluate the implementation of the academic quality assurance system, guidelines and procedures for internal evaluation of academic quality assurance throughout the Faculty;
  3. Develop and encourage the implementation of academic quality assurance in all departments and/or study programs within the Faculty;
  4. Providing input and recommendations to Faculty Leaders related to academic quality assurance to ensure high academic quality;
  5. Conduct academic audits of the programs under its jurisdiction;
  6. Making monthly, mid-year and year-end reports related to the implementation of academic quality assurance activities to the Dean.