School Visit Request

Survei & Layanan > Permohonan Kunjungan Sekolah

The Public Relations Unit Office of FMIPA UI opens an opportunity for groups of Senior High School (SMA)/equivalent students accompanied by teachers, to visit FMIPA UI in order to obtain information about admission routes, study program profiles, education costs, academic activity programs, scholarships, and graduate prospects. This is also one of FMIPA UI's contributions in the field of information transparency for the public.

Visit Application Flow

Submission of Visit Application

For schools that wish to conduct a visit to FMIPA UI, you can submit an application. official application letter no later than H-1 months before the visit is carried out. The official application letter is addressed to the Dean of FMIPA UI by explaining:

  1. Planned schedule for implementing the event,
  2. Number of participants (Max. 100 science majors, including accompanying teachers/parents).
  3. The mode of transportation to be used and the number of units, as well as
  4. Contact person who can be contacted for activity coordination. (The contact person is also present during the visit).

Visiting letters are sent via e-mail to or, and can be delivered directly or by post to the FMIPA UI Public Relations Unit Office located in the FMIPA UI Central Administration Building (Dean's Building), UI Campus, Depok.

Follow-up of FMIPA UI

  1. The Public Relations Unit Office or the FMIPA UI Leadership Secretariat will process the submitted application letter.
  2. The Public Relations Unit Office coordinates with the Facilities Unit regarding the availability of rooms/halls.
  3. The Public Relations Unit Office or the FMIPA UI Leadership Secretariat will send an official reply letter regarding confirmation of acceptance/rejection of the application to the applicant for the visit via email.
  4. The Public Relations Unit Office or the FMIPA UI Leadership Secretariat will provide a contact person to the visit applicant, for further coordination if the visit is accepted.

School Visit Reception

The FMIPA UI Public Relations Unit Office welcomed the school visiting group, coordinating with the security team regarding the parking area for the group's vehicles.

The activity contains a presentation of material related to the introduction of FMIPA UI, including the UI new student admission pathway, study programs, academic activity programs, graduate prospects, scholarships, and others, as well as a question and answer session that students can use as an opportunity to increase their insight regarding lectures at FMIPA UI.

Location of activities and points drop-off The group can be seen on the map below.

Visiting Terms and Conditions

  1. The letter of request for a visit sent to the FMIPA UI Public Relations Unit Office is only valid for activities that will take place in the FMIPA UI environment.
  2. The official reply email from the FMIPA UI Public Relations Unit Office can be used as a legitimate follow-up regarding the visiting activities that will take place in the FMIPA UI environment.
  3. Visits cannot be carried out on Saturdays/Sundays, national holidays, joint leave, or special/VIP/internal activities involving all FMIPA UI staff/educational staff.
  4. Humas FMIPA UI berhak menolak, menunda, dan membatalkan permohonan kunjungan yang telah disetujui/diagendakan, jika pada waktu yang bersamaan berbenturan dengan agenda penting Fakultas/Universitas yang melibatkan tim Humas FMIPA UI, atau berlangsungnya agenda di FMIPA UI yang berdampak pada penggunaan aula.

  5. Requests for postponement, rescheduling, or cancellation can be made on the initiative of either party, adjusting to existing conditions.
  6. Unilateral cancellation from the school without any news on the day will be added to our blacklist.
  7. The maximum number of visitors is 100 people (Science Department, including accompanying teachers/parents).
  8. Must comply with order and cleanliness while in the UI environment.
  9. All parties involved in activities within the UI environment are REQUIRED to comply with UI's K3L regulations and procedures.

Participant Rules of Procedure

  1. Participants must arrive on time, lateness will reduce the duration of the visit.
  2. Dress modestly.
  3. UI becomes a Traffic Orderly Area (KTL UI), the maximum vehicle speed limit is 40 km/h for the outer ring, and 30 km/h for the inner ring, and obey traffic signs and road markings.
  4. Follow applicable health protocols and must be in good health.
  5. No smoking in the FMIPA UI environment.
  6. Do not carry attributes of political parties/community organizations (ormas) or their affiliates.
  7. Do not take actions or attitudes that show support for political parties or community organizations (ormas).
  8. Groups are not allowed to use buses with loud horns or “telolet” horns. If urgent conditions force groups to use buses with similar horns, we and the security team have the right to reprimand groups not to use the horns while in the UI environment.
  9. Our security and cleaning team has the right to remind the group if there is anything that is not in accordance with the provisions in the UI environment.
  10. To speed up the process of leaving the UI environment, groups are advised to use electronic payment cards.