
Student Affairs > Achievement

The channeling of interests and talents in students in terms of self-development, academic and non-academic abilities such as talents, arts, and sports, as well as social and environmental concerns are fully supported and facilitated by the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Indonesia (FMIPA UI). These various achievements have resulted in various achievements at regional, national, and international levels that can improve the achievements of the faculty and university.

Number of Achievements of FMIPA UI Students in the Last 3 Years
Number of FMIPA UI Student Achievements in the Last 3 Years Based on Level

Performance Reporting

For students who have achieved, please report the details of your achievements via the following link.

A. International

1. 24 th Indonesia Accounting Fair

Indonesia Accounting Fair is the largest and oldest annual international accounting event in Indonesia organized by accounting students of the University of Indonesia. This year, in its 23rd year, the Indonesia Accounting Fair will hold an International Accounting Competition, Business Case Competition, and International Seminar. Our competitions can be participated by students of any university, while our international seminars are open to the public. A student from the Statistics Study Program 2021, Adawia Ananda participated in the Business Case Competition with the theme Net-Zero. Case collaborator from PwC Indonesia. She won 3rd Place or Runner Up 2 in the event.

Indonesia Accounting Fair Awards Presentation

2. Inspiration for Management Planning and Action Competition

IMPACT atau Inspiration for Management Planning and Action is an annual routine activity held by the Management Study Program of Bunda Mulia University. This year, IMPACT is now present with 3 series of events, namely International Business Case Analysis Competition & Creative Content Marketing Competition which is an international competition between students and also International Seminar yang diadakan secara hybrid. Both the competition and the seminar held were held internationally and were followed by high enthusiasm from students both from internal and external to participate in IMPACT 2023. FMIPA UI students, namely Muhammad Adi Saputra dan Dwinala Berryl Yustisio (tim Fantastic Two Team) mengikuti International Business Case Analysis Competition and succeeded in becoming the Favorite Champion in the competition.

IMPACT Awards Presentation

3. Nanyang Technological University Model United Nation

The 17th annual Nanyang Technological University Model United Nations 2023. The first hybrid conference held from 17 to 19 March 2023. NTUMUN has grown to become the largest and most prestigious model united nations conference in Singapore and throughout Southeast Asia. On this occasion, FMIPA UI students, Nadira Putri Wijaya dari Prodi Matematika mendapatkan Kategori Terbaik (Best Category).

Nadira Putri Wijaya dan Penyerahan Penghargaan Kompetisi
Nadira Putri Wijaya and the Competition Awards Presentation

4. ASEAN Geospatial Challenge 2023

ASEAN Geospatial Challenge 2023Geospasial Youth Edition is a competition that promotes the use of geospatial technology and information in order to support Southeast Asian countries in achieving the SDGs set by the UN. This competition was attended by 33 teams from various countries and targeted at students from Higher Education Institutions in the ASEAN region. Tim ArtemiS dari Geofisika FMIPA consisting of Adnan Hasyim Wibowo, Abimanyu Dharma Kamanungasan, Azhari Ramadhani, dan Stella Eulia Andoko take part in the competition. They carry the concept game as a learning approach. And they managed to achieve Excellence Award at the 2023 ASEAN Geospatial Challenge competition.

In addition, the Student Team from the Geography Study Program consisting of Enrico Gracia, Salsa Muafiroh, Septian Agung, dan Muhammad Vitra also managed to win the championship 3rd Place or Runner Up 2  in the competition.

Penyerahan Penghargaan ASEAN Geospatial Challenge 2023
ASEAN Geospatial Challenge 2023 Awards Presentation

B. National


ON MIPA is an annual olympiad held by the National Achievement Center (Puspresnas) of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology which competes in four fields, namely mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology. ON MIPA PT 2023 was held offline at the CAS, CRCS, and BSC B Buildings of the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), Bandung, on June 13-17, 2023, which was the final stage of this prestigious competition among students in the field of MIPA.

Based on the announcement, as many as 13 students from across the Study Programs of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Indonesia (FMIPA UI) have successfully achieved a series of achievements. The series of achievements consist of 2 gold medals, 4 silver medals, and 7 bronze medals. The gold medal was won by Ahmad Basyir Najwan for Physics, and Gregorius Tendi for Biology. Meanwhile, the silver medal was won by Muhammad Jilan Wicaksono from Mathematics, Jovan Alfian Djaja from Physics, Muhammad Habiburohman from Chemistry, and Muhammad Irfan Afifudin from Biology. The bronze medal was contributed by Jerry from Mathematics, Jonathan Evan, Chaulah Achyar, and Christopher Jenaro from Chemistry, and Shawn Michael Dayanti Intong and Faris Ramadhantyo Darmawan from Physics. There was another contingent from across faculties at UI, namely Rendi Saputra (Faculty of Nursing) who brought home the title Honorable Mention.

Penyerahan 13 Penghargaan ON MIPA PT 2023
ASEAN Geospatial Challenge 2023 Awards Presentation


INNOFOOTAGE is a Special Competition for Active Students of Universities in West Java & Central Java in the Framework of K3 Month in 2023. This competition is held by PT Pertamina Refinery Unit VI Balongan. FMIPA students, Yazid Al Muntashir dari prodi Geography memenangkan kompetisi tersebut dengan memperoleh Juara 1 pada lomba fotografi.

Penghargaan Kompetisi INNOFOOTAGE
INNOFOOTAGE Competition Awards

7. Indonesia Ocean Exhibition 2023

Indonesia Ocean Exhibition 2023 is an integrated academic event organized by KMKL-ITB. IOE 2023 consists of several competitions, one of which is Business Case Competition. Business Case Competition is a series of events within Indonesia Ocean Exhibition (IOE) organized by the Department of Marine Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology. The cases competed were about coastal tourism development strategies and the effectiveness of loading and unloading flows at the port. One of the contributing partners to this case was PT Pelindo. In this competition, FMIPA UI students Prodi  GeografiBenedictus Krisnandaru Aji together with his colleagues from the Faculty of Economics and Business, succeeded in becoming Juara 1 atau Winner from the event.

Penyerahan Penghargaan Indonesia Ocean Exhibition 2023
Indonesia Ocean Exhibition 2023 Awards Presentation

8. Global Service Indonesia Innovation Competition

PT Global Service Indonesia is part of PT United Tractors Tbk (Member of Astra). This innovation competition is an internal company competition at the national level and is held to capture employee aspirations and innovations to improve the quality of the company's business. The participants in the competition are all employees of PT Global Service Indonesia (both in Head Office maupun Site Office) dan peserta magang (intern). Benedictus Krisnandaru Aji, Geography study program students who were interning at the company took part in the competition and won. Juara 2 atau Runner Up 1 serta Best Category.

Penyerahan Penghargaan Global Service Indonesia Innovation Competition
Global Service Indonesia Innovation Competition Awards Presentation

9. Outstanding Students

Pilmapres is held by the Indonesian Talent Development Center (BPTI), Secretariat General of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology as an effort to encourage students to not only excel in academics, but also to become creative, innovative, highly competitive, and characterful individuals. FMIPA UI also participated in holding the pilmapres to find out the potential of each student. This competition is judged by judges who are lecturers and alumni of FMIPA.

The jury team determined Dylan Arlen Tunggatama (Actuarial Science 2020) as the first winner, Salsa Muafiroh (Geography 2020) as the second winner, and Deva Fitrianti Rahayu (Geophysics 2020) as the third winner. In addition, for the mapres category, the jury team determined Carla Mariana Nainggolan (Biology 2020) for the Arts and Culture category, Reha Aulia Nisa (Biology 2020) for the Social and Environmental category, Ahmad Haris (Geoscience 2021) for the Sports category, and Fathan Mubina (Biology 2020) for the Entrepreneurship category.

Penyerahan Penghargaan Pilmapres 2023
2023 Pilmapres Awards Presentation

Active participation in FMIPA UI student activities is not only in the form of involvement in various competitions, but also in activities outside the classroom such as Inbound and Outbound which can improve student abilities by studying in other countries.

Inbound students are foreign students who carry out tri dharma and cultural activities at the University of Indonesia. The activities carried out can be in the form of and are not limited to student exchange, study abroad, internship, short course program, summer program, study trip, single degree program, double/joint degree program, attending international seminars/conferences/symposiums/international competitions, participating in association activities/international forums, study overseas, joint research, etc. The following are the names of FMIPA students who participated in Inbound activities in 2023:

No. Nama Mahasiswa Jenis/Kategori Kegiatan Universitas/Negara
1 Irfan Zaim Bin Rosli Symposium Universiti Malaya
2 Irfan Arif Ahmad Nawab Symposium Universiti Malaya
3 Zulfadhly Zukifly Symposium Universiti Malaya
4 Khairon Chan Symposium Universiti Malaya
5 Azam Raduan Symposium Universiti Malaya
6 Muhammad Hakeem Suhaimi Symposium Universiti Malaya
7 Zhen Huah Lee Symposium Universiti Malaya
8 Muhammad Asmui Abdul Rahim Symposium Universiti Malaya
9 Dayang Iman Safiah Binti Awang Safawi Symposium Universiti Malaya
10 Nor Akmalyati Sulong Symposium Universiti Malaya
11 Muammad Taufiq Firdausi Mazlee Symposium Universiti Malaya
12 Farrah Aina Zulkifli Symposium Universiti Malaya
13 Kazeem Lakhar Symposium Universiti Malaya
14 Hongxiang Li Symposium Universiti Malaya
15 Hasratul Nadiah Mohd Rashud Symposium Universiti Malaya
16 Marcus Hughes Symposium Universiti Malaya
17 Muhammad Aziz Symposium Universiti Malaya
18 Nurul Iazzah Mat Ghani Symposium Universiti Malaya
19 Nur Irdina Surfina Kerjasama FMIPA UI-UMT Universiti Malaysia Trengganu
20 Wan Yasmin Humairah Kerjasama FMIPA UI-UMT Universiti Malaysia Trengganu
21 Nur Ashikin Kerjasama FMIPA UI-UMT Universiti Malaysia Trengganu
22 Nur Fatin Adriana Kerjasama FMIPA UI-UMT Universiti Malaysia Trengganu
23 Chua Pei Si Kerjasama FMIPA UI-UMT Universiti Malaysia Trengganu
24 Chong Wei Ni Kerjasama FMIPA UI-UMT Universiti Malaysia Trengganu
25 Tan Yee Rou Kerjasama FMIPA UI-UMT Universiti Malaysia Trengganu
26 Siti Aishah Kerjasama FMIPA UI-UMT Universiti Malaysia Trengganu
27 Maria Fatima Niken Kerjasama FMIPA UI-UMT Universiti Malaysia Trengganu
28 Mohd Sabri Mohd Ghazali ISCPMS Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Malaysia
29 Monchai Kooakachai ISCPMS Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
30 Syaizwadi Shaifudin Muhamad ISCPMS Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Malaysia
31 Amizah Malip ISCPMS Universiti Malaya, Malaysia
32 Abdul Mu’iz Aniq Aiman Mohd Suhaimi ISCPMS Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Malaysia
33 Aina Nurbatrisyia Izal Zairul ISCPMS Universiti Malaya, Malaysia
34 Ikhmal Wan Mohamad Kamaruzzaman Wan Mohamad ISCPMS Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Malaysia
35 Priya Mohan ISCPMS Universiti Malaya, Malaysia
36 Andy Candra ISCPMS National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan, ROC
37 Sondos M. Syam ISCPMS Universiti Malaya, Malaysia
38 Petarpa Boonserm ISCPMS Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
39 Hanyu Gao ISCPMS Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, China
40 Linyan Li ISCPMS City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
41 Jia Yen Lee ISCPMS Universiti Malaya, Malaysia
42 Zulqarnain Mohamed ISCPMS Universiti Malaya, Malaysia
43 Makoto Nakanishi ISCPMS The University of Tokyo, Japan
44 Sebastian Cioaba ISCPMS University of Delaware, USA
45 Azhar Ariffin ISCPMS Universiti Malaya, Malaysia
46 Azman Abd Ghani ISCPMS Universiti Malaya, Malaysia
47 Zamri Zainal Abidin ISCPMS Universiti Malaya, Malaysia
48 Piyabut Burikham ISCPMS Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
49 Muhammad Imran ISCPMS United Arab Emirates University, UAE
50 Thinnesh Muniandy ISCPMS Universiti Malaya, Malaysia
51 Ahmad Jafar Arifi ISCPMS RIKEN Nishina Center, Japan
52 Omar Anthony Forrest ISCPMS Khalifa University, United Arab Emirates
53 Vijayan Manickam ISCPMS Universiti Malaya, Malaysia
54 Yusmin Mohd Yusuf ISCPMS Universiti Malaya, Malaysia
55 Bushra Khan UI Great Pakistan
56 Syeda Sheeza Nadeem UI Great Pakistan
57 Akif Pervez UI Great Pakistan
58 Farasat Haider UI Great Pakistan
59 Mbara Cham UI Great Gambia
60 Muhammad Ahsan Ejaz UI Great Pakistan
61 Muhammad Aqif UI Great Pakistan
62 Muhammad Junaid UI Great Pakistan
63 Muhammad Ramzan UI Great Pakistan
64 Naveed Ullah UI Great Pakistan
65 Raja Sanwal Farooq UI Great Pakistan
66 Rizwan Khan UI Great Pakistan
67 Sabeel Ahmed UI Great Pakistan
68 Faariha Aman KNB Pakistan
69 Doeur Chamrern Degree S2 Regular Non Scholarship Cambodia
70 Lyda Pav Degree S2 Regular Non Scholarship Cambodia
71 Faiqah Nur Aflina Binti Mohd Radzi UI Creates Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
72 Mohamad Aizuddin Bin Ismail UI Creates Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
73 Imran Syukri Bin Md Shani UI Creates Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
74 Muhammad Safiq Bin Modh Ishak UI Creates Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
75 Muhammad Nasrullah Bin Kassim UI Creates Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
76 Nur Alia Sofia Binti Maluazi UI Creates Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
77 Melissa Syaza Khaleeda Bin Mohd Syarul UI Creates Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
78 Noor Ainayasmin Binti Abdul Ghani UI Creates Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
79 Loh Kah Hoe UI Creates Universiti Malaya
80 Murthadza Aznam UI Creates Universiti Malaya
81 Abdul Kadir Md Jwel UI Creates Universiti Malaya
82 Jacky Yong UI Creates Universiti Malaya
83 Ruven Rhaj Naidu UI Creates Universiti Malaya
84 Muhammad Luqman Hakeem Musa UI Creates Universiti Malaya
85 Pershaanaa A/P K. Manogran UI Creates Universiti Malaya
86 Siti Nur Fathiah Kamarulazam UI Creates Universiti Malaya
87 Nurul Zahra binti Mohamad Zuhdi UI Creates Universiti Malaya
88 Nur Riesya Asyikin binti Sarmani UI Creates Universiti Malaya
89 Nurul Fatihah binti Basrun UI Creates Universiti Malaya
90 Misha Maisarah binti Mohd. Nooramin UI Creates Universiti Malaya
91 Fareeza Nirmala binti Mohaini UI Creates Universiti Malaya
92 Ummi Nurhumaira binti Rofli UI Creates Universiti Malaya
93 Nur Nadhirah binti Mustaffa UI Creates Universiti Malaya
94 Nor Azlina binti Roslan UI Creates Universiti Malaya
95 Nur Asyura binti Azman UI Creates Universiti Malaya
96 Nur Sabrina binti Khairil Anwar UI Creates Universiti Malaya
97 Nur Qistina binti Ismail UI Creates Universiti Malaya
98 Shaheen Amili binti Salwi UI Creates Universiti Malaya
99 Cian Austineanak Ah Luek UI Creates Universiti Malaya
100 Riley Voluntad UI Creates Osaka University
101 Takasawa Mizuki UI Creates Tohoku University
102 Nonoka Onda UI Creates Tokyo Metropolitan University

Mahasiswa Outbound are UI students who carry out tri dharma and culture at universities abroad. The activities carried out can be in the form of and are not limited to student exchange, study abroad, internship, short course program, summer program, study trip, single degree program, double/joint degree program, attending international seminars/conferences/symposiums/international competitions, participating in association activities/international forums, study overseas, joint research, etc. The following are the names of FMIPA students who participated in Outbound activities in 2023:

No. Nama Mahasiswa Department Universitas/Jenis/Kategori Kegiatan
1 Tia Sella Isnaini Geography Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST)
2 Carlo Johan Nikanor Mathematics Singapore
3 Anita Eka Putri S3 Ilmu Bahan-bahan RIKEN Nishina Center
4 Anita Eka Putri S3 Ilmu Bahan-bahan JPARC-TOKAI-IBARAKI
5 Anita Eka Putri S3 Ilmu Bahan-bahan JPARC-TOKAI-IBARAKI
6 Anita Eka Putri S3 Ilmu Bahan-bahan JPARC-TOKAI-IBARAKI
7 Sri Rahmadani S2 Ilmu Material NTUST
8 Nadira Ghina Azzahra S2 Ilmu Material NTUST
9 Vinka Valencia Liman S1 Biologi Osaka University
10 Annisa Rahmani Putri S1 Biologi Osaka University
11 Rahma Wirdatul Umami S1 Biologi Tokyo Institute of Technology
12 Siti Maryamah S1 Biologi Osaka University
13 Cahya Kurnia Kusumawarni S1 Biologi Tokyo Institute of Technology
14 Yasmin Verena Jerissia Murtagh S1 Biologi Kyoto University
15 Resisca Anastasya S1 Biologi Osaka University
16 Edwin Arga Wiranata S1 Biologi Osaka University
17 Ziad Abdullah S1 Biologi Osaka University
18 Indy Femnisya S1 Biologi Trengganu University
19 Arinka Fathinah S1 Biologi Trengganu University
20 Ramadansyah Hermawan S1 Biologi Trengganu University
21 Akbar Naufal Burhanuddin Ramadhan S1 Biologi Trengganu University
22 Alvin Wihono S1 Fisika RIKEN Nishina Center
23 Juan de Bebetho S1 Fisika RIKEN Nishina Center
24 Aryanissa Nur Iziarti S1 Kimia KIST
25 AR Rasyid S1 Kimia KIST
26 Hana Rufaidah S1 Kimia KIST
27 Reisya Nabila S1 Kimia KIST
28 Vanny Natasya S1 Kimia KIST
29 Alifah Nurul Saffanah S1 Kimia Universiti Malaysia Terengganu
30 Alifia Azzahra S1 Kimia Universiti Malaysia Terengganu
31 Clarintan Melati Azizah S1 Kimia Universiti Malaysia Terengganu
32 Cleonie Aurellia Liemson S1 Kimia Universiti Malaysia Terengganu
33 Farah Marcheila Putri Widayu S1 Kimia Universiti Malaysia Terengganu
34 Dicky R Munazat S3 Ilmu Bahan-bahan Global Institute for Materials Research Tohoku (GIMRT)
35 Dicky R Munazat S3 lmu Bahan-bahan ANSTO
36 Andre Christoga Pranaditya Physics Radbound University, Belanda
37 Averey Sinclair Wibowo Akturia University of Leeds, Inggris
38 Bradley Immanuel Hetharia Akturia UniversityCollege Dublin
39 Decynka Zanasheilaya Chemistry Monash University , Australia
40 Ilham Mus Sugiantoro Geography The University of Quensland, Australia
41 Diva Marchanda Wulansari Akturia University of Waterlow, Canada
42 So Yuan Akturia National Taiwan Univeristy, Taiwan
43 Yazid Al Muntashir Geography The University of Western Australia
44 Jelita Cahyandari Kristyatmo Chemistry Humbolt universitat Zu Berlin, Jerman
45 Agustinuw Bravy T Omposunggu Mathematics University of Pensylvania (Amerika Serikat)
46 Aulia Zahra Alika Swity Mathematics Arizona State University, Amerika Serikat
47 Chrisogonus James Ang Gunadi Statistika Humbolt universitat Zu Berlin, Jerman
48 Putri Nabilah Kyesha Manan Chemistry The University of Auckland, Selandia Baru
49 Rachel Aurellia Irawan Akturia Sapienza University of Roma, Italia
50 Alexandria Samantha Nicole Mathematics University of Glasgow, Skotlandia
51 Baginda Nurul Rizan Geography Victoria University of Wellington, Australia
52 Dewa Ayu Putu Sekarani Rastiti Akturia Michigan State University
53 Rafi Alfanzah Mathematics M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia
54 Hasan Maulana Ibrahim Chemistry Middle East Technical University , Turkiye
55 Vinka Racma Syalsabila Pusparini Geography Malaysia
56 Marsha Aletta Biology Palacky University
57 Muhammad Reza R Biology Palacky University
58 Hedza Fadli Rabbina Biology Nagasaki University, Jepang
59 Kinanti Seraphina Larasati Biology Beijing Genomic Institute
60 Fadhil Rafi Azkarnaen Biology Beijing Genomic Institute
61 Christy Evangelica Dumay Chemistry Program Industrial Enginering Student Community
62 Khatarina Mada Chemistry Proyek Penelitian EIA/GRID untuk proyek tenaga surya wind Indonesia- Irlandia
63 Jerry Akturia International Mathematics Competition University Students, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria
64 Agustinus Bravy Tetuko Ompusunggu Mathematics International Mathematics Competition University Students, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria
65 Deddy Septiadi Wibisono Geography Workshop on Capacity and Discuss Collaborative Research- University Cambridge
66 Aryanissa Nur Iziarti Chemistry Research KSIT, Korea Selatan
67 AR Rasyid Chemistry Research KSIT, Korea Selatan
68 Hana Rufaidah Chemistry Research KSIT, Korea Selatan
69 Reisya Nabila Chemistry Research KSIT, Korea Selatan
70 Vanny Natasya Chemistry Research KSIT, Korea Selatan
71 Deva Rifa Nurgantini Physics Universiti Malaya
72 Gavin Setiawan Physics Universiti Malaya
73 Muhammad Reynaldo Putrayadi Physics Universiti Malaya
74 Nuraini Rifdha Hanawarman Physics Universiti Malaya
75 Itang Tri Biyanto Physics Universiti Malaya
76 Rifka Anggraeni Physics Universiti Malaya
77 Rizqi Akmalia Jailani Physics Universiti Malaya
78 Jilan Aqila Azzahra Physics Universiti Malaya
79 Zahra Nurasma Physics Universiti Malaya
80 Fadly Azriel Physics National Taiwan Unversity of Science and Technology, Taiwan
81 Muhammad Aryo Physics National Taiwan Unversity of Science and Technology, Taiwan
82 Zenita Elisya Physics National Taiwan Unversity of Science and Technology, Taiwan
83 Mario Caesar Arrahman Chemistry Korea Institue of Science and Technology (KIST), Korea Selatan
84 Yoel Imanuel Chemistry Korea Institue of Science and Technology (KIST), Korea Selatan
85 Rafli Maulana Muhammad Biology Kobe University, Jepang
86 Muhammad Altaf Aaron Zakaria Biology Kobe University, Jepang
87 Azzahra Fauzia Hanaum Biology Osaka University
88 Adawia Ananda Mathematics National Taiwan Univeristy, Taiwan
89 Aqilah Fresaria Nur Azizah Chemistry National Taiwan Univeristy, Taiwan
90 Davendra Shayna Hassan Physics National Taiwan Univeristy, Taiwan
91 Dylan Arlen Tunggatama Mathematics National Taiwan Univeristy, Taiwan
92 Etang Lintang Hinanjalu Geography National Taiwan Univeristy, Taiwan
93 Gladwin Gunawan Mathematics National Taiwan Univeristy, Taiwan
94 Muhammad Abrar Rizqullah Geography National Taiwan Univeristy, Taiwan
95 Naufal Ammar Motota Geoscience National Taiwan Univeristy, Taiwan
96 Nurrahma Sabila Wikana Putri Geography National Taiwan Univeristy, Taiwan
97 Rafasyah Syafira Darsono Biology National Taiwan Univeristy, Taiwan
98 Sylviana Mulia Geoscience National Taiwan Univeristy, Taiwan
99 Adawia Ananda Mathematics Yuan Ze University, Taiwan
100 Aqilah Fresaria Nur Azizah Chemistry Yuan Ze University, Taiwan
101 Davendra Shayna Hassan Physics Yuan Ze University, Taiwan
102 Dylan Arlen Tunggatama Mathematics Yuan Ze University, Taiwan
103 Etang Lintang Hinanjalu Geography Yuan Ze University, Taiwan
104 Gladwin Gunawan Mathematics Yuan Ze University, Taiwan
105 Muhammad Abrar Rizqullah Geography Yuan Ze University, Taiwan
106 Naufal Ammar Motota Geoscience Yuan Ze University, Taiwan
107 Nurrahma Sabila Wikana Putri Geography Yuan Ze University, Taiwan
108 Rafasyah Syafira Darsono Biology Yuan Ze University, Taiwan
109 Sylviana Mulia Geoscience Yuan Ze University, Taiwan
110 Adawia Ananda Mathematics Kantor Datang Ekonomi Indonesia, Taipei
111 Aqilah Fresaria Nur Azizah Chemistry Kantor Datang Ekonomi Indonesia, Taipei
112 Davendra Shayna Hassan Physics Kantor Datang Ekonomi Indonesia, Taipei
113 Dylan Arlen Tunggatama Mathematics Kantor Datang Ekonomi Indonesia, Taipei
114 Etang Lintang Hinanjalu Geography Kantor Datang Ekonomi Indonesia, Taipei
115 Gladwin Gunawan Mathematics Kantor Datang Ekonomi Indonesia, Taipei
116 Muhammad Abrar Rizqullah Geography Kantor Datang Ekonomi Indonesia, Taipei
117 Naufal Ammar Motota Geoscience Kantor Datang Ekonomi Indonesia, Taipei
118 Nurrahma Sabila Wikana Putri Geography Kantor Datang Ekonomi Indonesia, Taipei
119 Rafasyah Syafira Darsono Biology Kantor Datang Ekonomi Indonesia, Taipei
120 Sylviana Mulia Geoscience Kantor Datang Ekonomi Indonesia, Taipei

Universitas Indonesia reopens the Community Care Program in 2023. The sub-theme of the program in the implementation of the Community Care Program of the Directorate of Student Affairs, Universitas Indonesia in 2023 refers to the Sustainable Development Goals Agenda (Sustainable Development Goals) themed “Changing Our World: Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development.” The programs carried out in UI Community Care activities must lead to the 2030 SDGs Program which contains 17 Goals and 169 Targets.

FMIPA UI students also contributed to the program. A total of 18 teams consisting of several students with one supervisor submitted their respective program proposals. These 18 teams have carried out the selection process starting from uploading proposals to review proposals implemented in May 2023. Based on the announcement on June 5, 2023, out of 18 proposals, 13 proposals were accepted by the Directorate of Student Affairs, University of Indonesia. The following are the 13 proposals:

No Nama Kegiatan Dosen Pengusul Ketua Tim Mahasiswa Department
1 Metode Pendidikan Kreatif sebagai Inovasi Pengembangan Keterampilan Masyarakat di Daerah Cipayung, Kota Depok Dr. Dewi Susiloningtyas, S.So., M.Si Muhammad Syifa BEM UI
2 Mitigasi Bencana Longsor Akibat Pertambangan Ilegal dan Aksi Penanamam Pohon di Sipayung, Lebak, Banten Dr. rer. nat. Mufti Petala Patria, M.Sc. Jeremia Busesa Biology
3 Pembudidayaan Ikan Air Tawar menggunakan Metode Kolam Deras untuk Peningkatan Ekonomi dan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat di Pesantren Markaz Maher Qur’an, Sleman, Yogyakarta Drs. Erwin Nurdin M.Si Nur Rachmah Salsabila Biology
4 Pengenalan Bidang Sains dan Mitigasi melalui Program Einstein (Edukasi Sains dan Mitigasi sambil Bermain) di Pondok Pesantren Tunarungu-Tuli Jamhariyah, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Dr. Retno Lestari, M.Si Reha Aulia Nisa Biology
5 Eco-Enzyme Practices and Parental Education for Community Empowerment in Lemong, Pesisir Barat, Lampung Dr. Taqyuddin, S.Si., M.Hum Shakila Sania Parsa Geography
6 Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dalam Pengolahan Limbah Pertanian sebagai Pupuk Organik Cair (POC) untuk Mendukung Kegiatan Pertanian dan Agrowisata di Desa Wisata Purwabakti, Kabupaten Bogor Dr. rer. nat. Eko Kusratmoko, MS Satrio Rifqi Wicaksono Geography
7 Pemetaan Pasca Gempa dan Penanaman Bibit Vetiver sebagai Upaya Mitigasi Bencana Alam di Desa Ciputri, Kecamatan Pacet, Kabupaten Cianjur Dr. Hafid Setiadi, S.Si., M.T Raihan Khanz Pidia Suryana Geography
8 Program Roadshow Pelatihan Kebencanaan Bergerak Tanggap Bencana (GEGANA) pada Daerah Titik Potensial Banjir dan Kebakaran di Kota Depok Dra. Widyawati, MSP Maria Andriana Nea Candra Geography
9 Program Peningkatan Kesejahteraan dan Kesadaran Masyarakat Desa Pinang Bawah akan Lingkungan Sekitar melalui Penyuluhan dan Pemanfaatan Limbah Anorganik dari Sampah Rumah Tangga Muhammad Ridwan, S.Si., M.Eng., Ph.D. Rizqiah Sandra Puspita Chemistry
10 Program Optimalisasi Proses Pendidikan dan Rekonstruksi Minat Pendidikan Anak di Desa Cibedug Melalui Pembenahan Ruang Literasi dan Pusat Kegiatan Informal Dewi Susiloningtyas, S.Si., M.Si. Luthfan Zaidan Akbar BEM FMIPA
11 Program Edukasi dan Mitigasi Bencana di Kawasan Masjid Depok Jawa Barat Dr. Lukmanda Evan Lubis, M.Si Kevin Naufal Individu
12 Santri Unggul dan Berprestasi: Meningkatkan Kesadaran dan Kesehatan Mental Santri Melalui Program Edukasi dan Konseling di Jombang, Jawa Timur Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Abdul Haris Ultivia Ummi Sayiroh Individu