Profile Iluni

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Alumni are one of the important components in every department/faculty/university besides lecturers, staff and students. Alumni of FMIPA UI are part of the ILUNI UI Family, which is referred to as ILUNI FMIPA UI.

The management of ILUNI FMIPA UI is as follows:

No Jabatan Nama
1 Penasihat Prof. Dr. rer. nat Abdul Haris
2 Penasihat Drs.Hendrisman Rahim
3 Penasihat Dr. Drs. Tubagus Haryono, SE., MM., AK.
4 Penasihat Dr. Hotbonar Sinaga, S
1 Ketua ILUNI FMIPA UI Pamela Cardinale S.Si., M.Si., PC®
2 Wakil Ketua 1 : Ketua ILUNI Dep. Matematika Shafira Bawazier, S.Si.
3 Wakil Ketua 2 : Ketua ILUNI Dep. Fisika Drs. Satya Heragandhi, M.Sc.
4 Wakil Ketua 3 : Ketua ILUNI Dep. Kimia Dr. Nadirah, M.Sc.
5 Wakil Ketua 4 : Ketua ILUNI Dep. Biologi Shobi Lawalata, S.Si.
6 Wakil Ketua 5 : Ketua ILUNI Dep. Geografi Darsono, S.Si., M.Si.
1 Bendahara ILUNI FMIPA UI Poppy Juanita Dewayani, S.Si, MM-DESS CAAE, CFP®, AEPP®, QWP®
1 Sekretaris Jenderal ILUNI FMIPA UI Dra. Siti Alawiyah (Ella)
2 Wakil Sekretaris Jenderal ILUNI FMIPA UI Hendro Santono, S.Si.
3 Wakil Sekretaris Jenderal ILUNI FMIPA UI Dr. Tito Latif Indra, M.Si.
1 Hubungan Kerjasama Eksternal Aditya Girindra Wardhana, S.Si.
2 Humas 1 Karmila Sari, S.Si., MM.
3 Humas 2 Indra Zen, S.Si.
1 Ketua Bidang Olahraga Riza Harmain, S.Si.
2 Wakil Ketua Bidang Olahraga Ghalih W Akbar. S.Si.
3 Ketua Bidang Seni Musik Dra. Diah Kusumaningrum
4 Wakil Ketua Bidang Seni Musik Dina Rudita, SSi.

University of Indonesia is one of the first universities in Indonesia to initiate alumni tracking studies. (Tracer Study) at the university level. In 2008 UI seriously worked on Tracer Study UI 2008. Despite some shortcomings in the pilot study, Tracer Study UI 2008 has proven to be beneficial for universities and the world of work.

Pada tahun 2014 Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam mulai konsisten menggarap Tracer Study FMIPA UI. This consistency can be seen from several roles of FMIPA UI alumni through consulting services, grants, and voluntary donation funds which will later be used for the development of the Faculty of MIPA UI through certain events or programs. Not only that, ILUNI FMIPA UI will routinely create an ILUNI FMIPA UI bulletin and will carry out Tracer Study FMIPA UI is based on expertise to be used as a directory book for FMIPA UI graduates.

ILUNI FMIPA UI secara rutin mengadakan kegiatan tahunan yang bertajuk “Homecoming Day FMIPA UI” with the aim of (i) uniting and strengthening the bonds of brotherhood between fellow FMIPA UI alumni, (ii) as a forum that facilitates ongoing relationships between alumni, faculties, departments, and FMIPA UI students who are expected to be able to dedicate knowledge in every aspect of community and national life, (iii) exploring more detailed information about alumni biographies that can later bridge the relationship between alumni and students who are looking for learning experiences in the world of higher education and as a prerequisite for performance in the world of work, (iv) exploring further information about the transition from the world of higher education to the world of work, the relevance of education and alumni competency acquisition, sociobiographical aspects of alumni, and photographing the relationship between learning experiences in the world of higher education and prerequisites and performance in the world of work.

Up to 2014, FMIPA UI graduates have reached ± 19,000 people. FMIPA UI alumni who have succeeded and worked for Indonesia are spread across various fields in government institutions such as: BPPT, BAPETEN, BP Migas, BATAN, LIPI, Ministry of Education & Culture, Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Energy and Minerals, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Finance, PT. Telkom. While in non-governmental institutions such as WWF, CI, WALHI, NRM, World Bank. As for private companies, which are engaged in banking, insurance, mass media, mining & oil, agribusiness, consumer goods, computers & IT, telecommunications, digital mapping, pharmaceutical industry, chemical industry, semiconductor industry, metal industry, education and research, surveying.

ILUNI UI has several programs including:

  1. Re-registering FMIPA UI alumni and developing an alumni website that is useful for universities and the world of work, continuing the expertise-based Tracer Study Program by the previous FMIPA UI ILUNI management period which has not been implemented.
  2. Alumni Gathering/Grand Gathering is a reunion held by each Department's Alumni.
  3. Routine activities entitled Homecoming Day FMIPA UI with the aim of
  4. uniting and strengthening the bonds of brotherhood between fellow FMIPA UI alumni
  5. as a forum that facilitates ongoing relationships between alumni, faculties, departments, and FMIPA UI students who are expected to be able to contribute knowledge in every aspect of community and national life.
  6. digging up more detailed information about alumni biographies which can later bridge the relationship between alumni and students who are looking for learning experiences in the world of higher education and as a prerequisite for performance in the world of work.
  7. explore further information regarding the transition from the world of higher education to the world of work, the relevance of education and the acquisition of alumni competencies, sociobiographical aspects of alumni, as well as depicting the relationship between learning experiences in the world of higher education and prerequisites and performance in the world of work.
  8. Discussion or Sharing Soft Skills – from Alumni to Students and from Alumni to Alumni. In this program, ILUNI FMIPA UI does not limit itself to sharing knowledge and skills only from FMIPA UI alumni, but also collaborates with other Faculties and even other Universities.
  9. Arts and Culture Activities with Alumni
  10. Sports Activities with Alumni

ILUNI FMIPA UI also collaborates with Active Students in its programs and activities.

Until 2019, FMIPA UI graduates have reached ± 21,000 people. FMIPA UI alumni who have succeeded and worked for Indonesia are spread across various fields in government institutions such as: BPPT, BAPETEN, BP Migas, BATAN, LIPI, Ministry of Education & Culture, Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Energy and Minerals, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Finance, PT. Telkom. While in non-governmental institutions such as WWF, CI, WALHI, NRM, World Bank. As for private companies, engaged in banking, insurance, mass media, mining & oil, agribusiness, consumer goods, computers & IT, telecommunications, digital mapping, pharmaceutical industry, chemical industry, semiconductor industry, metal industry, education and research, surveys.