MOOCs Program
Pendidikan > Program Pendidikan > Program MOOCs
As an effort to expand access to education for the community and implement the Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) policy initiated by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, the University of Indonesia through the Directorate of Academic Development and Learning Resources (DPASDP) encourages the empowerment of the role of technology in the learning process, adoption of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) technology, and creative and innovative teaching by utilizing information and communication technology. The implementation of MOOCs is currently popular and needed by many parties, from students who participate in independent learning to professionals or the general public as part of lifelong education.
FMIPA UI together with DPASDP UI continues to develop the implementation of MOOCs every year. In 2022, FMIPA UI opens several credit and non-credit MOOCs classes to be attended by UI students, outside UI and the wider community. This year, there is also a credit Pre-University (Pre-U) MOOCs aimed at high school students as participants to obtain credit.
MOOC Bachelor of Actuarial Science Study Program
MOOC for Undergraduate Statistics Study Program
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