Community Service Publications and Outputs

Penelitian & Pengmas > Pengmas > Publikasi dan Luaran Pengmas

Various activities are carried out by lecturers at FMIPA UI in devoting their scientific fields to the community. The following are some examples of the forms of activities carried out by lecturers at FMIPA in the context of community service and empowerment activities, the output of which is in the form of IPR or popular news. For outputs in the form of IPR, please see the following link (, while popular news output is given as follows for some examples:

1. Installation of Water Level and Rainfall Monitoring Equipment in Citengah Village, South Sumedang District, Sumedang Regency, West Java
News source: Edukasi Kompas

2. Science kit for inquiry-based microorganism introduction education for elementary and middle school students.

3. Improving Understanding and Mastery of Chemistry and Chemistry Practicals for Teachers for Learning in High School
News source: Radar Depok

4. Physics and Robotics for Teachers in Middle Schools in Sukabumi Regency
News source: Website Fisika

5. Training in Making Hand Sanitizers and Education on the Process and Work Mechanisms for the Pondok Cina Community
News source: Bekasi Kinian