Sejarah FMIPA UI

Profil > Tentang FMIPA UI > Sejarah

The history of the founding of FMIPA UI is part of the greater history of the founding of the University of Indonesia (UI). At the beginning of its establishment it was known as the Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences (FIPIA), which was based in Bandung. In line with the development of UI which is based in the National Capital, in 1959 FIPIA UI in Bandung was handed over to be managed by the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB).

Furthermore, UI plans to establish FIPIA which is based in Jakarta, and is in line with the plans of the Ministry of Education, Teaching and Culture at that time which asked for advice from several experts within UI. This plan was then followed up with a meeting of experts on May 18 1960 led by the Chair of the UI Presidium, Prof. Dr. Soedjono D. Poesponegoro, attended by, among others, Prof. Dr. R. Slamet Iman Santoso, Prof. Dr. Soetarman, Prof. Dr. B. Sjahriar Rasad, Prof. Dr. Ir. Tojib Hadiwidjaja, Prof. Dr. G.A. Siwabessy, Ir. Kuntoadji, Ir. Jasif Iljas, Dipl. Eng. Sudjito Danusaputro, and Drs. Lauw Soan Keng. Given time until September 1960, this meeting succeeded in forming a FIPIA founding committee chaired by Drs. Lauw Soan Keng, with members Prof. Dr. G.A. Siwabessy and Ir. Kuntoadji. The task of this committee is to make a report on the possibility of establishing FIPIA-UI in Jakarta as quickly as possible.

Profile of the Dean of FMIPA UI

Prof. dr. G.A Siwabessy

Dekan FMIPA UI Periode 1961 - 1964

Prof. Dr. Ir. R. M. Soemantri Brodjonegoro

Dekan FMIPA UI Periode 1964 - 1968

Ir. Suwardi

Dekan FMIPA UI Periode 1968 - 1974

Dra. Patimah Moerwani

Dekan FMIPA UI Periode 1974 - 1978

Prof. Dr. Soekarja Somadikarta

Dekan FMIPA UI Periode 1978 - 1984

Dra. Sahati Suharto

Dekan FMIPA UI Periode 1984 - 1988

Prof. Dr. Parangtopo

Dekan FMIPA UI Periode 1988 - 1994

Dr. Endang Asijati, M.Sc.

Dekan FMIPA UI Periode 1994 - 1998

Dr. Suhardjo Poertadji

Dekan FMIPA UI Periode 1998 - 2004

Dr. Adi Basukriadi, M.Sc.

Dekan FMIPA UI Periode 2004 - 2013

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Abdul Haris

Dekan FMIPA UI Periode 2014 - 2018 dan 2018 - 2019

Dr. Rokhmatuloh, M.Eng.

Pj Dekan FMIPA UI Periode 2020 - 2021

Prof. Dede Djuhana, Ph.D.

Dekan FMIPA UI Periode 2021 - 2025