Statistik Kepegawaian FMIPA UI

HR > Personnel Statistics

Human Resources (HR) is a unit that is positioned under the HR Manager and is directly responsible to the Dean through the Vice Dean for Resources, Venture Cooperation and General Administration. Tasked with managing Educators and Education Personnel starting from HR procurement and development, personnel, HR administration, as well as remuneration and welfare.

The existing number of permanent and non-permanent lecturers and education staff until the end of 2023. The number of permanent lecturers at FMIPA UI is 165 permanent teaching staff, consisting of teaching staff with Civil Servant (PNS) status, University of Indonesia Employees (PUI), 3 people with NIDK status. While the number of non-permanent PKWT lecturers is 62 people. The number of permanent education staff is 91 with the number of PKWT, Borongan, Lepas tendik as many as 48 people. If seen from the development throughout 2016-2023, the number of permanent lecturers at FMIPA UI tends to increase, while for education staff there is a decrease.

Figure. Development of the Number of Permanent and Non-Permanent Lecturers and Education Personnel

The composition of FMIPA UI's human resources based on the position of lecturers (permanent) and education staff (permanent and non-permanent) until the end of 2023 consists of 28 Professors (GB), four of whom are GB (NIDK). The position of senior lecturer is 39 people. For the position of lecturer 44 people. For Assistant Experts 41 people and Teaching Staff based on positions as of the end of 2023 there are still 16 Lecturers who do not have functional positions and most of them are recruitment for the 2023 period.

In accordance with the existence of activity units in FMIPA UI, the number of active teaching staff is spread across 5 Departments and 2 Study Programs according to the fields of science they teach and their expertise.

As shown in the Figure above, the percentage of the composition of the teaching staff education at FMIPA UI with the last education of S2 is 27.38% compared to 72.62% with S3 education. When compared to 2023, the number of lecturers with the last education of S3 has increased by 4.49%.

Furthermore, the distribution of teaching staff education at FMIPA UI with the last education of S3 in the Mathematics department is 20 staff, Physics 33 staff, Chemistry 24 staff, Biology 25 staff, Geography 14 and Geoscience 6. On the other hand, the teaching staff with the most S2 qualifications are in the Mathematics department 10 staff, Biology, Geography and Geoscience 9 staff, Physics department 5 staff, Chemistry department 4 staff.

In order to fulfill the qualifications of lecturers according to the Law on Teachers and Lecturers (Law No. 14 of 2005) that professional lecturers must have a lecturer certificate obtained from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology. The number of FMIPA UI lecturers who have carried out certification and have lecturer certificates is 124 people and the rest who have not been certified are 44 people. The composition of the distribution of FMIPA UI lecturers who have been certified is seen in the Figure above.

Expertise Cluster / group of related fields of expertise in terms of scope of expertise according to research objects and/or scientific approaches in the scope of expertise, skills, attitudes, and actions that reflect their duties, functions, obligations, rights, responsibilities, and competencies. In research activities where expertise is built which is carried out according to certain scientific approaches, expertise, and skills.

The following are some descriptions of the expertise of FMIPA UI lecturers based on their field of expertise.

Field of Mathematics

Bidang Ilmu Penugasan/Kepakaran Jumlah Pakar/Kepakaran 
A. Matematika
A1. Matematika 2
A2. Matematika Terapan 6
A3. Ilmu atau Sains Aktuaria 8
A4. Statistika 2
A5. Statistika Terapan 5
B. Jejaring Keilmuwan Multi, Inter, atau Transdisiplin
B1. Bioinformatika 1
B2. Ilmu atau Sains Komputasi 4
B3. Sains Data 2
B4. Sains Data Terapan 1
Total : 31

Field of Physics

Bidang Ilmu Penugasan/Kepakaran Jumlah Pakar/Kepakaran 
A. Fisika
A1. Fisika 33
A1.1. Ilmu Material 9
A1.2. Material Komposit 1
A1.3. Fisika Materi Terkondensasi 6
A1.4. Fisika Instrumentasi 10
A1.5. Fisika Nuklir, Partikel dan Astrofisika Teoritis 5
A1.6. Geofisika Petrofisik 1
A1.7. Geotermal 1
A2. Fisika Medis 7
A.2.1 Fisika Radioterapi 3
A.2.2 Fisika Radiologi Diagnostik dan Intervensional 3
A2.3 Fisika Kedokteran Nuklir 1
Total : 40

Field of Chemistry

Bidang Ilmu Penugasan/Kepakaran Jumlah Pakar/Kepakaran 
A. Kimia 6
A2. Biokimia 6
B. Kimia Anorganik 6
B1. Kimia Jejaring Anorganik Padat 1
B2. Kimia Koordinasi dan Organometalik 1
B3. Kimia Material Maju 1
B4. Kimia Zat Padat 1
B5. Kimia Nanomaterial 1
B6. Kimia Sintesis Organometalik 1
C. Kimia Organik 6
C1. Kimia Bahan Alam 3
C2. Kimia Organik Sintetik 1
C3. Kimia Polimer/ Makromolekul 1
C4. Analisis Struktur Organik 1
D. Kimia Analisis 6
D1. Fotoelektrokimia 1
D2. Kimia Elektro Analisis 1
D3. Sains Pemisahan 1
D4. Kimia Analisis Lingkungan 1
D8. Kimia Analisis Material 1
D9. Spektroelektrokimia Analisis 1
E. Kimia Fisik 5
E1. Kimia Antar Muka 1
E2. Elektrokimia 1
E3. Kimia Fisik Polimer 1
E4. Kimia Katalis 1
E5. Kimia Konversi Energi 1
Total : 29

Biology Field

Bidang Ilmu Penugasan/Kepakaran Jumlah Pakar/Kepakaran 
A1. Biologi 
A2. Biologi Sel dan Molekular 10
A3. Biologi Reproduksi 5
A4. Mikrobiologi 1
A5. Biologi Tumbuhan 7
A5. Biologi Tumbuhan 6
Total: 29

Field of Geography

Bidang Ilmu Penugasan/Kepakaran Jumlah Pakar/Kepakaran 
A. Jejaring Keilmuwan Multi, Inter, atau Transdisiplin
A1. Geografi 10
A2. Geografi Lingkungan 2
A3. Penginderaan Jauh 3
A4. Sistem Informasi Geografis 2
A5. Sistem Informasi Geografis dan Penginderaan Jauh 2
A6. Sains Informasi Geografi 2
A7. Konservasi Sumberdaya Alam 1
A8. Sains Data Spasial 1
Total: 23

Field of Geology and Geophysics

Bidang Ilmu Penugasan/Kepakaran Jumlah Pakar/Kepakaran 
A. Ilmu atau Sains Kebumuian
A2. Geofisika 7
A3. Geologi 8
Total: 15

The movement towards the international level of FMIPA UI is increasingly existing, as evidenced by the fact that in 2023 several FMIPA UI lecturers have received international awards. The award "The P. N. Krishnamurthy Memorial Young Achiever Award 2023 from the Asia-Oceania Federation of Organizations for Medical Physics (AFOMP); Top 2% Scientist Worldwide 2023 by Stanford University and Elsevier BV; The Margot Marsh Award for Excellence Primate Conservation 2023; Bosscha Medal Award from Leiden University, Delft, Erasmus. (BRIN-LDE Academy). As in the following table,

No Nama Dept. Penghargaan
1 Dr. Lukmanda Evan Lubis, M.Si., F.Med.  Fisika The P. N. Krishnamurthy Memorial Young Achiever Award 2023 dari Asia-Oceania Federation of Organizations for Medical Physics (AFOMP)  (18 September 2023)
2 Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Rosari Saleh Fisika Top 2% Scientist Worldwide 2023 by Stanford University dan Elsevier BV (4 Oktober 2023) 
3 Prof. Dr. Yoki Yulizar, M.Sc. Kimia
4 Munawar Khalil, S.Si., M.Eng.Sc., Ph.D.  Kimia
5 Dr. Dipo Aldila, S.Si., M.Si. Matematika
6 Prof. Dr. Jatna Supriatna, M.Sc.  Biologi 1. The Margot Marsh Award for Excellence Primate Conservation 2023 (22 Agustus 2023 dalam acara World Congress of Primatology)
2. Penghargaan Medali Bosscha dari Universitas Leiden, Delft, Erasmus. (BRIN-LDE Academy, 23 Oktober 2023)

Referring to HRIS, the current condition of FMIPA UI's educational staff as of the end of 2023 is 91 people. Of the total educational staff who have new functional positions, 9 people are as educational laboratory administrators (PLP) and 11 have been assigned as laboratory assistants in each FMIPA UI educational laboratory, at the implementing, advanced implementing and supervisor levels, while the rest are still general functional as many as 70 people. There are also 7 non-permanent education staff with PTT bonds and 40 education staff are with Contract Contracts, Wiradha and Daily Employees.

Education Status of Educational Staff

Based on educational status, for the FMIPA UI Education Personnel, it was recorded that at the end of 2023 there were 4 people who still had elementary school education (for waiters and waitresses), for (administrators and laboratory assistants) there were 55 with high school education, 20 people with Diploma education, 59 with Bachelor's education, and 5 people with Master's education, as shown in the Figure above.

Functional Position of Education Staff

Based on educational status, for the FMIPA UI Education Personnel, it was recorded that at the end of 2023 there were 4 people who still had elementary school education (for waiters and waitresses), for (administrators and laboratory assistants) there were 55 with high school education, 20 people with Diploma education, 59 with Bachelor's education, and 5 people with Master's education, as shown in the Figure above.

Existing Condition of Human Resources

The existing number of permanent and non-permanent lecturers and education staff until the end of 2023. The number of permanent lecturers at FMIPA UI is 165 permanent teaching staff, consisting of teaching staff with Civil Servant (PNS) status, University of Indonesia Employees (PUI), 3 people with NIDK status. While the number of non-permanent PKWT lecturers is 62 people. The number of permanent education staff is 91 with the number of PKWT, Borongan, Lepas tendik as many as 48 people. If seen from the development throughout 2016-2023, the number of permanent lecturers at FMIPA UI tends to increase, while for education staff there is a decrease.

Figure. Development of the Number of Permanent and Non-Permanent Lecturers and Education Personnel

The composition of FMIPA UI's human resources based on the position of lecturers (permanent) and education staff (permanent and non-permanent) until the end of 2023 consists of 28 Professors (GB), four of whom are GB (NIDK). The position of senior lecturer is 39 people. For the position of lecturer 44 people. For Assistant Experts 41 people and Teaching Staff based on positions as of the end of 2023 there are still 16 Lecturers who do not have functional positions and most of them are recruitment for the 2023 period.

Teaching Staff of FMIPA UI

In accordance with the existence of activity units in FMIPA UI, the number of active teaching staff is spread across 5 Departments and 2 Study Programs according to the fields of science they teach and their expertise.

As shown in the Figure above, the percentage of the composition of the teaching staff education at FMIPA UI with the last education of S2 is 27.38% compared to 72.62% with S3 education. When compared to 2023, the number of lecturers with the last education of S3 has increased by 4.49%.

Furthermore, the distribution of teaching staff education at FMIPA UI with the last education of S3 in the Mathematics department is 20 staff, Physics 33 staff, Chemistry 24 staff, Biology 25 staff, Geography 14 and Geoscience 6. On the other hand, the teaching staff with the most S2 qualifications are in the Mathematics department 10 staff, Biology, Geography and Geoscience 9 staff, Physics department 5 staff, Chemistry department 4 staff.

Lecturer Certification

In order to fulfill the qualifications of lecturers according to the Law on Teachers and Lecturers (Law No. 14 of 2005) that professional lecturers must have a lecturer certificate obtained from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology. The number of FMIPA UI lecturers who have carried out certification and have lecturer certificates is 124 people and the rest who have not been certified are 44 people. The composition of the distribution of FMIPA UI lecturers who have been certified is seen in the Figure above.

Expertise of FMIPA UI Lecturers

Expertise Cluster / group of related fields of expertise in terms of scope of expertise according to research objects and/or scientific approaches in the scope of expertise, skills, attitudes, and actions that reflect their duties, functions, obligations, rights, responsibilities, and competencies. In research activities where expertise is built which is carried out according to certain scientific approaches, expertise, and skills.

The following are some descriptions of the expertise of FMIPA UI lecturers based on their field of expertise.

Field of Mathematics

Bidang Ilmu Penugasan/Kepakaran Jumlah Pakar/Kepakaran 
A. Matematika
A1. Matematika 2
A2. Matematika Terapan 6
A3. Ilmu atau Sains Aktuaria 8
A4. Statistika 2
A5. Statistika Terapan 5
B. Jejaring Keilmuwan Multi, Inter, atau Transdisiplin
B1. Bioinformatika 1
B2. Ilmu atau Sains Komputasi 4
B3. Sains Data 2
B4. Sains Data Terapan 1
Total : 31

Field of Physics

Bidang Ilmu Penugasan/Kepakaran Jumlah Pakar/Kepakaran 
A. Fisika
A1. Fisika 33
A1.1. Ilmu Material 9
A1.2. Material Komposit 1
A1.3. Fisika Materi Terkondensasi 6
A1.4. Fisika Instrumentasi 10
A1.5. Fisika Nuklir, Partikel dan Astrofisika Teoritis 5
A1.6. Geofisika Petrofisik 1
A1.7. Geotermal 1
A2. Fisika Medis 7
A.2.1 Fisika Radioterapi 3
A.2.2 Fisika Radiologi Diagnostik dan Intervensional 3
A2.3 Fisika Kedokteran Nuklir 1
Total : 40

Field of Chemistry

Bidang Ilmu Penugasan/Kepakaran Jumlah Pakar/Kepakaran 
A. Kimia 6
A2. Biokimia 6
B. Kimia Anorganik 6
B1. Kimia Jejaring Anorganik Padat 1
B2. Kimia Koordinasi dan Organometalik 1
B3. Kimia Material Maju 1
B4. Kimia Zat Padat 1
B5. Kimia Nanomaterial 1
B6. Kimia Sintesis Organometalik 1
C. Kimia Organik 6
C1. Kimia Bahan Alam 3
C2. Kimia Organik Sintetik 1
C3. Kimia Polimer/ Makromolekul 1
C4. Analisis Struktur Organik 1
D. Kimia Analisis 6
D1. Fotoelektrokimia 1
D2. Kimia Elektro Analisis 1
D3. Sains Pemisahan 1
D4. Kimia Analisis Lingkungan 1
D8. Kimia Analisis Material 1
D9. Spektroelektrokimia Analisis 1
E. Kimia Fisik 5
E1. Kimia Antar Muka 1
E2. Elektrokimia 1
E3. Kimia Fisik Polimer 1
E4. Kimia Katalis 1
E5. Kimia Konversi Energi 1
Total : 29

Biology Field

Bidang Ilmu Penugasan/Kepakaran Jumlah Pakar/Kepakaran 
A1. Biologi 
A2. Biologi Sel dan Molekular 10
A3. Biologi Reproduksi 5
A4. Mikrobiologi 1
A5. Biologi Tumbuhan 7
A5. Biologi Tumbuhan 6
Total: 29

Field of Geography

Bidang Ilmu Penugasan/Kepakaran Jumlah Pakar/Kepakaran 
A. Jejaring Keilmuwan Multi, Inter, atau Transdisiplin
A1. Geografi 10
A2. Geografi Lingkungan 2
A3. Penginderaan Jauh 3
A4. Sistem Informasi Geografis 2
A5. Sistem Informasi Geografis dan Penginderaan Jauh 2
A6. Sains Informasi Geografi 2
A7. Konservasi Sumberdaya Alam 1
A8. Sains Data Spasial 1
Total: 23

Field of Geology and Geophysics

Bidang Ilmu Penugasan/Kepakaran Jumlah Pakar/Kepakaran 
A. Ilmu atau Sains Kebumuian
A2. Geofisika 7
A3. Geologi 8
Total: 15
Award Winnings

The movement towards the international level of FMIPA UI is increasingly existing, as evidenced by the fact that in 2023 several FMIPA UI lecturers have received international awards. The award "The P. N. Krishnamurthy Memorial Young Achiever Award 2023 from the Asia-Oceania Federation of Organizations for Medical Physics (AFOMP); Top 2% Scientist Worldwide 2023 by Stanford University and Elsevier BV; The Margot Marsh Award for Excellence Primate Conservation 2023; Bosscha Medal Award from Leiden University, Delft, Erasmus. (BRIN-LDE Academy). As in the following table,

No Nama Dept. Penghargaan
1 Dr. Lukmanda Evan Lubis, M.Si., F.Med.  Fisika The P. N. Krishnamurthy Memorial Young Achiever Award 2023 dari Asia-Oceania Federation of Organizations for Medical Physics (AFOMP)  (18 September 2023)
2 Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Rosari Saleh Fisika Top 2% Scientist Worldwide 2023 by Stanford University dan Elsevier BV (4 Oktober 2023) 
3 Prof. Dr. Yoki Yulizar, M.Sc. Kimia
4 Munawar Khalil, S.Si., M.Eng.Sc., Ph.D.  Kimia
5 Dr. Dipo Aldila, S.Si., M.Si. Matematika
6 Prof. Dr. Jatna Supriatna, M.Sc.  Biologi 1. The Margot Marsh Award for Excellence Primate Conservation 2023 (22 Agustus 2023 dalam acara World Congress of Primatology)
2. Penghargaan Medali Bosscha dari Universitas Leiden, Delft, Erasmus. (BRIN-LDE Academy, 23 Oktober 2023)
FMIPA UI Educational Staff

Referring to HRIS, the current condition of FMIPA UI's educational staff as of the end of 2023 is 91 people. Of the total educational staff who have new functional positions, 9 people are as educational laboratory administrators (PLP) and 11 have been assigned as laboratory assistants in each FMIPA UI educational laboratory, at the implementing, advanced implementing and supervisor levels, while the rest are still general functional as many as 70 people. There are also 7 non-permanent education staff with PTT bonds and 40 education staff are with Contract Contracts, Wiradha and Daily Employees.

Education Status of Educational Staff

Based on educational status, for the FMIPA UI Education Personnel, it was recorded that at the end of 2023 there were 4 people who still had elementary school education (for waiters and waitresses), for (administrators and laboratory assistants) there were 55 with high school education, 20 people with Diploma education, 59 with Bachelor's education, and 5 people with Master's education, as shown in the Figure above.

Functional Position of Education Staff

Based on educational status, for the FMIPA UI Education Personnel, it was recorded that at the end of 2023 there were 4 people who still had elementary school education (for waiters and waitresses), for (administrators and laboratory assistants) there were 55 with high school education, 20 people with Diploma education, 59 with Bachelor's education, and 5 people with Master's education, as shown in the Figure above.