Symposium / Webinar Series
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Untuk meningkatkan wawasan keilmuan dan kualitas komunikasi di antara civitas akademika FMIPA UI maupun dengan civitas akademika di luar UI dan luar negeri, FMIPA juga menyelenggarakan Symposium Internasional yang dilaksanakan secara rutin setiap tahun, yaitu:
The International Symposium on Current Progress in Mathematics and Sciences (ISCPMS)
ISCPMS is an academic forum that can be a means for undergraduate and postgraduate students, lecturers and researchers in the fields of mathematics and science to present their research results, share experiences and tips in conducting research and follow the latest research developments in this field.
The International Symposium on Current Progress in Functional Materials (ISCPFM)
ISCPFM is a symposium held with the support of the University of Indonesia as a means for undergraduate and postgraduate students, lecturers and researchers in the field of functional materials to present their research results, share experiences and tips in conducting research and follow the latest research developments in this field. The program of activities is attached.
The Life and Environmental Sciences Academics Forum (LEAF)
LEAF is an academic forum that can be a means for undergraduate and postgraduate students, lecturers and researchers in the fields of life sciences, environmental sciences, earth sciences, geography and geosciences to present their research results, share experiences and tips in conducting research and follow the latest research developments in this field.
The International Science and Mathematics in Academics Research Talks (ISMART)
ISMART is an academic forum that can be a means for undergraduate students in mathematics and science to present their research results, share experiences and tips in conducting research and follow the latest research developments in this field.
Webinar Series
Sehubungan dengan adanya pandemi COVID-19, maka kegiatan workshop dan coaching clinic FMIPA UI berjalan secara virtual yang umum dinamankan webinar. Webinar di lingkungan FMIPA UI dinamakan MIPATalk Series yang telah berjalan dari tahun 2020 hingga sekarang. Kegiatan ini dilakukan secara LIVE melalui ZOOM dan dapat disaksikan ulang pada laman Youtube FMIPA UI Official.
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