Institute of Applied Science
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Indonesia 2024
Superior human resources are a necessity that must be had to support current development activities. The University of Indonesia, as a university, certainly has a very significant role in creating superior human resources, namely as a producer of change agents who are able to design, encourage and pioneer change.
In order to support the University of Indonesia in achieving its vision and mission, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences established the LST Applied Science Institute). This institution focuses on consulting, training, laboratory testing and certification services to support industrial and development activities with increasingly complex challenges.
To become a superior Study Center in the fields of knowledge, research and development in the field of Applied Science.
- Carrying out and developing research in the field of Applied Science in an integrated manner with education, research and community service activities.
- Implementing research results in the field of Applied Science in the community in the context of community service
- Collaborate with various parties to achieve added value.
Alamat & Kontak
Gedung Laboratorium Riset Multidisiplin Lantai 4
Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia
- +62 21 7863436
- +62 21 7270012
- Ist.ui.@sci.ac.id
- sci.ui.ac.id
Copyright FMIPA UI 2024