Faculty Integrity Zone
Penjamin Mutu > Zona Integritas Fakultas
The Integrity Zone (ZI) of FMIPA UI is our initiative to create a clean, transparent, and accountable environment. By implementing high integrity principles, we are committed to improving the quality of academic and administrative services, as well as building trust among all stakeholders.
FMIPA UI is committed to:
Provide clear and open information regarding policies, decisions and procedures.Accountability
Ensure that every action and decision can be accounted for.Corruption Prevention
Eliminate all forms of corruption and abuse of authority.Culture of Integrity
Develop and promote a culture of integrity throughout the faculty environment.
Faculty Business Process Overview
PAF POB Document 2023
To access the 2023 Faculty Administration Program (PAF) Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) document, please download it below:
ISO 9001:2015 Certificate
We are proud to announce that the Faculty FMIPA UI telah mendapatkan sertifikasi ISO 9001:2015. Sertifikasi ini mengakui komitmen kami terhadap sistem manajemen mutu yang efektif dan berstandar internasional.
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